Compilation & Installation Instructions --------------------------------------- For most people, the usual: ./configure make su(do) make install is enough. This installs dyn-host-filter under /usr/local. Some GNU/Linux-distribution users may prefer to run: ./configure --prefix=/usr instead. This will install dyn-host-filter under /usr. See ./configure --help for a list of all available configure options. Running ------- 1) You should edit your /etc/dhf.conf according to your needs and spam-policy. You can safely delete the lines where the values correspond to the default ones. 2) Make sure that you have the ucspi-tcp collection ( with rblsmtpd installed. 3) dyn-host-filter should be run from tcpserver with both -h and -p enabled. An example tcpserver line may look like this: /usr/bin/tcpserver -x/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -h -p -u 201 -g 200 0 smtp dyn-host-filter rblsmtpd /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd Finally the tcprules database (/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb) must contain a RBLSMTPD="" for each entry to be passed (like the line bellow):,RELAYCLIENT="",RBLSMTPD="" N.B. Make sure that the tcpserver process (usually run as qmaild) has the necessary access to: /etc/dhf.conf (read) and /var/log/dhf.log (write)!!!